Visions & Songs: Outpouring of God on the Horizon

I was worshiping God when I went into songs, visions and words of the Lord. I saw the outpouring as it gushed like water over His hands, through His fingers and to the Earth.

Write the vision

Habakkuk 2:2 “Write the vision…”

I drew it… though let me say that in the form of a vision it appeared closer. Objects in telescopes usually do. Imagine a wave approaching the East Coast of the United States of America. That is the coming move of God!

This post is several visions & the transcript below is as it happened. Bless Bless

Here is the transcript of what I recorded:
First minute: guitar
Second minute: guitar + melody +
“… I see the water pouring forth from the hands of the LORD.
I see the water pouring forth from His hands.
And I see a telescope whereof I can see far off, the things that are coming to man.
+ guitar + melody +
I see the waters pouring forth from the hands of the LORD.
I see the waters pouring forth.
I see a telescope whereby I can see what is coming
… what is coming for man. + guitar + melody
Third minute:
Let your reign flow over the brim of Heaven.
Let your waters flow over the edge of Heaven.
Let your refreshing flow over the brim of Heaven.
Let your refreshing come and touch our land.
+ guitar +
Floods of Heaven coming down, coming down. Floods of Heaven coming down, coming down.
Floods of Heaven coming down, coming down. Floods of Heaven, floods of Heaven coming down.
Floods of Heaven coming down, coming down. Floods of Heaven, floods of Heaven coming down.
Floods of Heaven coming down, coming down. Floods of Heaven, Floods of Heaven coming down.
+ guitar +
Minute Five: 
I saw the floods of Heaven as they poured forth from the Father’s hands.
I saw the telescope that He had set up for man.
To see things far off so we would know.
Apostolic alignment 031115VISION: “…The right hand, I see the right hand extended, and the left hand ministering to it. Almost like massaging…
The thumb is in the… THE THUMB is in the… in the palm of the hand… of the right hand. The thumb of the left hand and the other fingers are ministering to the back side. It’s the prophetic! It’s the prophetic! The Apostolic! The Evangelical! The Pastoral, and the.. Teachers ministering to those on the right hand. Because not letting your left hand know what your right hand is doing does not apply for everything. There is something that you’re supposed to do. You’re supposed to reach out to those at the other extreme of the Body. You’re supposed to reach out and minister to those in the 5-Fold. THE 5-FOLD should be MINISTERING… to the 5-fold…
(guitar plucking)
Some… for some time, one hand has forgotten the other. And the need for the fellowship of two hands… But there’s coming together, there’s coming together the prophetic extremes, the apostolic extremes. Those on the one side of the Body and those on the other.

The Body of Christ is to be ambidextrous. The fingers and the hand on one side of the Body… shouldn’t be the only favored hand. Those that have a different outreach… Those that have a different outreach… should be seen as valuable members of the Body also. (joy laughter)

New Song:
I waited on the Lord to see what He would say to me.
I waited on the Lord to see what He would say to me.
and He said: Write Write the vision, make it plain to read.
I waited on the Lord to see what He would say to me.
He said: Write, write the vision, make it plain for man to read.
I waited on the Lord just to see, just to see .
(Here I was having a vision of a wing)

The wing of protection

Psalm 91:4 …under His wings shall you trust…

and He said: Write write the vision, make it plain for man to read.
Write write the vision, as I cover you with My wing.
Write write the vision, prophetically it will speak.
Write write the vision, post it for all to see.
For there is coming an outpouring of My favor on My hands.
There is coming an outpouring of My Grace and My commands.
And My hands will be relevant to reach out once again.
So, write write the vision it’s all part of My plan.
I waited on the Lord just to see what He would say to me.
I waited on the Lord to see if He would speak.
And He said: Write write the vision make it plain for My Body to see.
Write write the vision, (laughter) these words they are of Me.
Write write the vision make it plain for men to read.
Write write the vision and post it for all to see.
Write write the vision make it plain for those to read.
Write write this vision, post it for all to see.

James art Thy word is a lamp 555 with text 031115Vision: I see.. a lamp. It’s like a hurricane lamp… And I see, I see a hand, the right hand and the thumb and the fingers coming down to the portion where you adjust the brightness of the flame. I see it being turned up! … THE THUMB IS TURNING UP! THE THUMB IS TURNING UP! THE THUMB IS TURNING UP THE LIGHT! And by it, and by it, new light is coming upon the word. New light is coming upon the word for people to see the relevance of the apostolic, to see the  relevance of the apostle upon the Earth. To see the relevance of God’s Government.

In Christ Jesus, Godspeed to the people of God! James the Seer

Visions & Prophecy: The Deborah Calling has begun!

The Deborah Calling has begun! Come Forth Women of God!

The Prophetess Deborah

The Prophetess Deborah

There is a sound that is going forth now! It is the sound of God calling forth the Deborahs of God! The Deborah Calling has begun! A calling forth of women into their places. Places in the Body of Christ. Places in the government of God. Places in the 5 fold ministry. As it is written “…He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;” and this is for the women of God too! Because it is also written “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Why now? God was robbed… and the thief has been caught! There is a recompensing that is due to God. A recompensing that comes as a result of the thief being caught (see proverbs 6:31). How was God robbed? When the traditions of men made the word of God of none effect, that is when God was robbed. He was robbed of a special glory that He receives when Women lead well in truth. He was robbed and the thief has been caught. The courts of Heaven have been convened, men and women in the Body of Christ have presented the case, witnesses have spoken and a judgement has been set. Recompense is due!

We are stepping into one of the finest hours of the Church. The Bride will stand glorious! She is now arising to make herself ready for the KING OF KINGS!
With this recompensing, this thrust of God, crowns, and mantles, and weapons, and anointings, and giftings, and angels, and creatures on assignment are being dispatched. This is a BIG DEAL! Fire will roll across the earth and liberate many from the mindsets that have held them bound to unfruitful beliefs.

(1) I see a steady flow of water running out the end of an open gutter attached to the roof of my home in Lakeland, Florida.
(2) I see an X-Acto knife (equipped with a number 2 blade) cutting out a piece of paper in the shape of a parallelogram.
(3) I see the Roman Numeral X (10) with the lines above and below it.
(4) I see a crossbow loaded being held by a woman standing in my driveway (Lakeland, FL)
(5) I see a young bear that has been consuming the honey from a bee hive in a tree being chased away. Again, I saw the location of this vision and the bee hive is hanging from a tree in my yard (Lakeland, FL)

(1) There has been a grace for women to rise up to their places, but it was with much resistance and persecution of accusation that any of them ever did. The unused grace that was routed (a steady stream out the end of the open gutter) has not been wasted. It’s the rain that comes off of the roof of those with a specific calling and it has continued to water the earth. i.e. Grace that God has poured out. Where men failed to utilize that grace, it has continued to water the face of the earth. Even now there will spring forth quick growth as happens when the soil has the right amount of moisture. This is a grace for the planting of the Lord to come forth.
(2) In the vision, the paper is white and it is not the whole piece, it is just a small remnant of it. The Deborah Calling is not for every woman. Just as in the time of Deborah the Judge over Israel, the remnant of those who rose up and lead was considerably smaller than the whole. The parallelogram indicates that it’s for those who align themselves with the happenings in Heaven. “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” The agreement with Heaven is emphasized by the #2 blade. 2 represents agreement. Furthermore, the blank paper signifies that it is not for those who are writing their own script. It is only for those who are willing to yield to Creator God’s Holy Spirit and allow Him to write their script.
One more thing, these woman are trees of God, the planting of the Lord and they become one with the scroll that God gives them. Just as paper is made from trees, these women consume their heavenly scrolls and become more than messengers. They become one with the message.
(3) The Roman Numeral “X” is ten marked by 2 lines crossing. The one I saw had the line above and beneath it. Again signifying an alignment between Heaven and Earth. This is a “fullness of time moment,” a kairos moment. Kairos is a Greek word that indicates an opportune time, a supreme moment. This is the crossing over of a God timing moment with something that is ready on the Earth. There is much more, I can only see a glimpse of it at the moment. The most important glint of light that I see regarding this vision, is that X, derived from Chi (the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet), stands for “Christ.” Some of the early Christians were called “Xians.” This is important because the lines of what it is to be a Christian have been blurred over the centuries. However just as the X I saw had a line beneath it and a line above it, God is restoring the true definition of what it is to be a Christian (an anointed one).
(4) The crossbow (the promises of God in Christ Jesus) was being held by a woman. This is an equipping for a more effectual warfare. It is a spiritual equipping because that is where the battle rages (in the spirit realm). In the vision she is standing in my driveway (Lakeland, Florida) in front of my house. i.e She is standing before me. ***Right before our eyes this is happening!***
The crossbow is a weapon that you lift up, to set the sights in alignment with your vision, then the arrow is release by bringing the trigger finger back towards yourself. There is no room for accusations against others (the pointing of the finger). Those that desire to use the “cross”bow must cease from alignment with spirits of accusation. Those that accuse others cannot be trusted with this equipping. One must first disengage from all alliances they have had with “the accuser of the brethren.” We must do this before God can trust us with the arrows of the Lord that shoot from this crossbow.
(5) The bear that had been taking the honey is now being chased away.
This vision locationally was in Lakeland also. I saw the bee hive in my tree. As I watched, I saw the one who chased it away standing approximately where the woman with the crossbow was standing in the previous vision.
Lakeland, Florida is not the first place where God moved and man failed. The first place was in the Garden of Eden…
The young bear represents witchcraft and it has been taking the honey that belongs to the people of the land of milk and honey. The people of God are the people of the promised land. God is raising up a mighty people that will not heed other voices. “My sheep hear My voice and no other voice will they heed” (John 10:5). God is raising up a people, including these Deborahs. A people that like Moses have chosen rather to suffer the afflictions that are common to the people of God, rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. When witchcraft has no place to land, it must flee. For it is written, “so the curse causeless shall not come.” We must grow up in our understanding! These Deborahs will lead without the impurities that have stopped even the mighty moving of God.

I am launching this word from the heartland of the USA on “International Women’s Day” as a new day has already landed upon the East Coast of the United States of America.

I have this one question rising up in me. Do you hear His voice?

It has begun!

In Christ Jesus,
James the Seer

(Here is the original post on Facebook for easy sharing)

Vision: America Will Ride Again!

The Kabod (glory) of God came and rested on my chest just after 10 pm 02/25/15.
I could feel the weightiness of God on my heart. I pressed into it and had this vision. I began typing as it unfurled in a similar way as a prophecy comes forth.

America Will Ride Again

Vision: America Will Ride Again!

Here is the Kabod of God vision: I see an older woman on a horse. She is fishing from her position there. Others have laughed at her and wonder “what can that woman catch with that pole.” They do not realize the faith that she has in God. Many have passed her by thinking she is crazy to be fishing from the top of a horse. Some have been kind to her, even though they did not understand her. “They did not understand.”
She was waiting patiently on the Lord. She was fishing while she waited for the Creator of all that is alive to come and strengthen her, to renew her youth, and give her purpose. She shall have all that she believed God for, and when those who laughed see her again, they may not recognize her as the same woman. They may even think she is a new woman. In fact, she is as a woman whose youth is being renewed. She shall ride and she shall turn many to the Lord. She shall have her day and she shall come into her glory.

Her name is America and she shall ride again. She shall yet be fertile again and reproduce after her kind. Those who counted her out will be disappointed. And those who believed in her will be appointed.

This is when she will ride, now is the time. As Paul Revere rode and is credited with spearheading a move that saved a fledgling nation, so shall America ride and many nations will be saved. Because she believes she has a destiny. And because she has always had a core of believers trusting that the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ Jesus.

The horse is the spirit of America. The fishing pole and the line from it is the outreach of evangelism. The aged woman is America, still full of resolve and with a strong spirit. She has the Lord’s attention! We have the Lord’s attention! #AmericaWillBeSaved

James the Seer

PS The Kabod of God fell on me when I read this statement from Lana Varser: “He has gone before you and has prepared the way for you. HE will make your paths straight.” That was the catalyst that sent me into a vision. Words… Well placed words, sent me into a God encounter. Thank you Lana! Thank you Jesus!

Vision: of the Burning Footprint/the Bride Rising

Mountain_555Inspired by this question (via social media): “… big business, the corporate world, investors, money makers… where are they??? Where are they today?? Where is the voice of the corporate world. … What do they say about our current administration. I don’t hear them bringing up solutions. … One thing that I believe and have great faith for, the 7Ms (7 mountains of influence) are being taken over by the Body of Christ and our King is cleaning up His church to become His Bride. Much love to you all. (Diana *****)

I was responding when I had this “Vision of the Burning Footprint:” I believe 2015 is a “Hinge Pin year!” A year when everything changes by swinging in a different direction. I see (in a vision now) a single fiery footprint at the base of a great mountain. It is the foot of the Body of Christ on the Earth. She/we are standing up for the first time… ever. Being the Bride Glorious is our destiny as followers of Christ and this is our hour. One footprint may not seem like much, however, it is the first step and we are swinging into a decade of more miracles than ever before. This year more angels are being released than in a hundred years total. This year will be remembered as the beginning of the Great Awakening. A time of bringing forth the harvesters for the last great harvest at the end of the age. This should tell us 2 things: 1) the coming Great Awakening is not the same as the finale harvest, and 2) we can expect the restoration of the government of God in this first awakening. Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, with signs following, will all be restored. In this atmosphere where signs and wonders are the norm, for them not to happen will then become the exception. THEN people will know there is a God… because of us who know our God. We are the strong ones! We are the ones who shall do exploits and lead many to the Lord (Daniel 11:32). We are the ones who will shine as the stars forever. All of this because we were born for such a time as this.

This “one small step” for the body of Christ, is “one giant leap for mankind” and the cause of God in Christ Jesus. For all of creation is groaning for the unveiling of the sons of God. And here we are crying Abba, Father, send us!

James Dilley aka
James the Seer

Kangaroo Vision: Prophecy for Australia “Sheep Nation”

“Things in Australia Are Turning Around”

Australia has a special place in the plans of God. She shall be a harbor for many in the days to come. The prophetic words spoken over her in times past, by men moved on by the Holy spirit, are like strategically planted seeds of destiny. The planting of the Lord shall remain and prosper, but every tree that is not planted by God shall be removed from Australia’s shores.

Vision and teaching about “Sheep Nations” (video below):

I have a word regarding Australia! Hi, I’m James Dilley with Wings And Revelations. This morning I woke up, had a like a prayer walk; a time of prayer where I also walked. I was on purpose and intentional, and doing what I knew to do for a situation that I’m facing. So anyhow fast forward past that. I have a word regarding AUSTRALIA. A Vision and a Revelation. So this is kind of interesting.
I get back in from my prayer walk and I have some breakfast; French toast, just to get another country in there too. I don’t have a word about France (huh-huh). But I do have a word about Australia. That’s what this .. is about! After breakfast, it was early. So I went ahead and was getting a little more rest. I’m in my bed, I think my eyes were closed. I am facing up, I am thinking about the LORD. GOD will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on Him. So I am thinking about the time I spent walking and praying … just 30 to 40 minutes prior to that, and I see a kangaroo (in a vision). Now I see it like this (sideways to the left). And then it hops (to the right 1/8 of a turn), and then it hops (again pivoting each time in a circular motion) And I know that it’s hopping again and again. Now, but the vision, the vision that I saw was it hopping. Now that was about the extent of the vision. But I knew, I knew that it was going to continue to hop and so I am thinking, HUM, that’s interesting. What does this mean?
“What is the meaning of this?” So I heard or I received, I should say, it was like a download. Like instantly, revelation is Boom!It unpacked and it was: “Things in Australia are turning around” THINGS IN AUSTRALIA ARE TURNING AROUND! See! So things in Australia are turning around. And I think that’s wonderful.
What does that have to do with America? What does that have to do with America being saved? What does that have to do with America coming into her destiny? These are thoughts that I am thinking because my call is America,the United States of America specifically. This nation the USA. If you look at Matthew chapter 25, go down to the parable about when the Son of man comes in His Glory. (Matthew 25:31-46) He shall sit on His throne and the nations are brought before Him. He shall sit as a Shepherd  dividing His sheep from the goats. See! The sheep nations are the nations that are kind to His followers. His Brethren. How is JESUS our Brethren? He is the First Born, He is the First Fruits unto GOD the first Born among many. We are the “sons of GOD,” male or female. As children of GOD we come into sonship. We are His Brethren. So when He says, “When I was hungry you gave me to eat. When I was thirsty you gave Me to drink. When I was naked you clothed me. When I was in prison you came to visit Me. When it runs through the list of things, kindnesses towards His Brethren. Kindnesses towards Christians. He says when you did to the least of these my Brethren you did it unto Me. Enter into your rest. Enter into the reward. Enter into the Glory that was prepared for you. Enter ye into my Glory. He says that to those on His right hand, those on His, those on the Hand of blessing. So then He says to the nations that were not kind to Christians…
See, we are seeing that happen. There is a dividing. the contrast between nations that are kind toward Christians, and nations that are persecuting Christians. The contrast is getting greater and greater. Okay there are people groups that despise those that are called by the Name of Christ, those that are called by the Name of JESUS, because they are anti-Christ systems. They despise Believers. And not only do they despise them, He says to those on the left, the goats, He says: When I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat. When I was thirsty you gave me nothing to drink. When I was naked you did not clothe Me. When I was in prison you didn’t visit Me. And He goes through a list. And those on His left, the goat nations will say: Hey, when did we, when did we see You hungry and not feed you? When did we see you thirsty and not give You to drink? And they go through the list and He says: When you saw the least of these my Brethren, the least of these My Believers, those who are called by My Name. When you saw the least of them hungry, or thirsty, or naked, or in prison and did not for them, you did not for Me. He likens how we treat those that are called by the Name of JESUS, those who are called Christians. He likens that unto how we treat Him. Because if we love Him, we are going to treat those who are called by His Name  –  kindly. With consideration, with special consideration.

…We already see that, that there are nations where they kill people that are called by the Name of JESUS, where they put them out of their houses, where they burn their churches, where there has been… where there has been genocide of Christians. Those nations are generally Islamic. Generally the nations that despise those called by the Name of JESUS are Islamic. And if you look at a map and see where Islamic nations are, Islamic states,they are unkind…

This nation (the USA) when JESUS comes back will be found to be a sheep nation, or a goat nation. I am telling you it is our destiny, America’s destiny is to be sheep nations! Australia’s destiny is to be a sheep nation! The United States of America will be a sheep nation when JESUS comes back. But it’s the people on a land mass that must bring that land mass to the position where it can fulfill it’s destiny. What GOD predestined for us in our scrolls. To see the vision of the kangaroo turning and to hear the words “Things in Australia Are Turning Around” is a good thing. That’s a very good thing!

Thanks for reading this revelation and being active in your obedience to Christ.

I love you much,
Brother James <><


Here is the video form of this message via our WingsAndRevelations YouTube channel.

Remember to give it a thumbs up & Subscribe!

Thank you for watching (& reading this)! Let’s all get plugged into God and get the treasures that only He can reveal!

God give you understanding and increase you accordingly, by His Son Jesus, amen.
Brother James <><

USA Prophecy: America Will Be Saved! | Prophetic Word


This is the word of the Lord for America!

I, James Dilley, received this word of prophecy on 12/10/10 (December 10, 2010).

Large Blog Image
“It will start on the east coast. This wave of My Spirit moving will start on the east coast and spread westward to the Mississippi. Then it will build and jump the M
ississippi as fire and spread westward. America will be saved!”

According to the parable that Jesus spoke in Matthew chapter 25, when the King returns He will separate the nations as a shepherd separates his sheep from the goats. America’s destiny is to be a sheep nation. There is much work to do and the supernatural displays of God’s glory is a big part of the acceleration that we are stepping into.  Come Lord Jesus and save our nation! Yes and Amen! Let’s do this!

Join the America Will Be Saved Facebook page:

Follow us on Twitter @ChristChurchHub

Check in on the website.

It’s time to keep HOPE on your head like a helmet, & your heart full of FAITH regarding God’s ability to raise up this nation to be a great light as a “city on a hill” for all other nations to see!
Together we stand with God! Together we stand wisely with Israel. Together we stand with the Spirit of Truth. We stand on the better promises.


Here is the “America Will Be Saved” video via our WingsAndRevelations YouTube channel.
Please remember to give it a thumbs up, subscribe and share.  Thank you!


Jesus is Lord!

With Much Love, with Much Resolve,
Brother James <><

Prophetic Revelation & Prophecy | The Prism Vision | with video

The Prism Vision

I heard God say:
“I am preparing to undo the damage that was done by the improper refraction of light.”

Description: I, James Dilley, received the Prism Vision and the “Refraction of Light” Revelation beginning July 8th of 2014 and it is a revelation by Christ Jesus that is continuing to unfold to this present day. I gladly share it and I hope that you will gladly receive it. Understanding simple truths can change the direction of nations. Yes, It is that important!

(scroll down for video version)
  You are coming out of the cave. (Shofar Blast)
I’m James Dilley. Hi, I want to tell you about an experience… Let’s come into the light! …an experience that I had… There we go. I want to tell you about an experience that I had on July 8th. A man named Andrew Towe came to Lakeland. Andrew had come to bring the word of the LORD, and that is how he started. He said, “I have a word of the LORD to bring.” And the message was, “You are coming out of the cave.” It was, it was a grand meeting. I took it as a message from GOD for myself. It was, it was a message for me. “You’re coming out of the cave.” It was a good message.
What I want to relay in this video is a vision that I had at the end of that message. He ministered to the people that were there; and as I was going forward to volunteer to catch, being that it was a Pentecostal meeting and the Holy Spirit was touching people, I volunteered to go forward as a catcher. So as I was walking forward, he actually made eye contact and requested, with just his face and a hand gesture, requested the assistance of a catcher. So ah, I’ve been catching people that were falling during ministry since – 1995, Really. I got saved in 94 and soon after that was catching people. So he ministered to every person that wanted ministry, every person that wanted a prayer, wanted a touch, wanted the ministry that he had brought. The touch of GOD. Hands being laid on them. Every person who wanted ministry got ministry. And so, as a matter of fact, the last person to receive ministry is a guy who is about 6 or 7 inches taller than I and he is built. He is big for JESUS.
I told him, I said “I’ve got you brother,” and I was trusting GOD that I was going to be able to catch him and now… not everybody was overcome. And in that case, I was kind of glad that he stood for JESUS!
So it, it came time where everybody had received ministry, and when I saw that there was no one else that I could serve in that capacity. I stepped forward and put my hands up and started pressing into the LORD. The moment that Andrew laid hands on me I saw the album cover… basically the album cover… the album cover for Pink Floyd, The Dark Side of the Moon. Pink Floyd Prism VisionSo I saw the light coming into the prism going through the prism and then coming out the other side as a rainbow. Then I heard like a vacuuming sound like… shooo (vacuum sound) …and I saw from the end like a mist of particles around the light and it was being vacuumed back into the prism. And I heard the Word of the LORD. And these were the words I heard: “I am preparing to undo the damage that was done by the improper refraction of light.” And I stood there in the Presence of GOD, playing back over in my mind what He had just said. “I am preparing to undo the damage that was done by the improper refraction of light.”
I believe we have stepped into a time in GOD that is more exciting than any other time that has been. I would rather be alive today than any other time. There isn’t a greater time in history than now. Now is the greatest time in history. More opportunities, technology is ours to leverage. The revelation of GOD that was stored up for the end-times is coming forth. The important thing is to – accurately reflect, or accurately refract the revelations that we receive. That the light coming into us is accurately put forth. And a few days after that I awoke from an experience in a dream and these were the words: Persons are prisms. Persons are prisms.

There’s much more to it.
But the word of the LORD is “It Has Begun!”
The Word of the LORD is “America Will Be Saved!”
The Word of the LORD is that God is going to “undo the damage that was done by the improper refraction of light.”
The Word of the LORD is Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the plans I have for you sayeth the LORD plans for good plans to give you a hope and a destiny.”

His plans for us are not for evil.
His plans for us are good plans.
So be blessed!
Be blessed! be Blessed!

In this video of “The Prism Vision” I’m standing on my roof. I suppose that’s a bit unusual. However, some things are worth proclaiming from the rooftops. I believe this is one of those worthy things!

Here is the video via our WingsAndRevelations YouTube channel.
(BTW Yes I know about the pyramid and the eye. On Purpose! 😉 )

Remember to give it a thumbs up & Subscribe!

Thank you for watching (& reading this)! Let’s all get plugged into God and get the treasures that only He can reveal!

Matthew 13:52 (Jesus speaking) every teacher and interpreter of the Sacred Writings who has been instructed about and trained for the kingdom of heaven and has become a disciple is like a householder who brings forth out of his storehouse treasure that is new and [treasure that is] old [the fresh as well as the familiar]. (Amplified)

Jesus is Lord and I am His Prophet.
Brother James <><

Brian Gibbs Premier Book Release “Unstoppable & Unquenchable Fire”

Brian Gibbs’s book “Unstoppable & Unquenchable Fire” is officially released today (January 1st 2015). I, James Dilley, suggest this powerful resource to all my friends, indeed, to all who can read. (See link to purchase below)

My personal testimony of Brian’s influence: In my 20 years of pursuing God fervently, Brian’s ministry to me still stands as one of the top times that God touched me personally through another. That was about 15 years ago, near the turn of the century. When Brian ministered to me, with the laying on of hands and prayer as the Bible prescribes, it was as though someone took live wires and exposed 240 volts of current to my soul. My being was blasted with power and I was shaken to my core as I convulsed in response to the Power of the Most High God that flowed through Brian. I was knocked back and fell to the floor among those that I think were there to catch me. The power that touched me overflowed into them. It was powerful and I believe I received an impartation that I continue to carry to this day.
Brian Gibbs is a gift set in the Body of Christ by God, as all true gifts are. His influence continues to touch my life. Most recently, one of the more impactful revelations that I’ve received, in the form of a vision, came August 28, 2014 when Brian (along with Allen Hood and Corey Russel) came to Lakeland, FL and ministered with Heart of the Father Ministry at Lakeland Center.

That is a revelation I will share at another time. The fact is, I had that vision on the night that Brian came to deliver the word of the Lord. This signifies to me that Brian Gibbs continues to walk with God, and God continues to confirm his ministry with signs following. Brian’s heart is to see change at both the personal and national level.

Brian and Bren (wife), currently abide and have their Ministry headquarters in Youngstown Ohio where they continue to pioneer the work of the Lord.

Here is the promotional statement for this fiery literary work, as found on their website:

“In his debut book, “Unstoppable & Unquenchable Fire“, Brian delivers a burning message and passionate cry for personal revival, national awakening and generational reformation. This is a must read for every Christian, who longs to be an effective agent of change and transformation. Unstoppable & Unquenchable Fire is candid and intense – confronting sin, lawlessness and the spirit of this age – raising high the banner of truth and hope for a Nation’s ultimate comeback.”

Brian Gibbs Unstoppable and Unquencable FireBill Johnson, John Kilpatrick, Tommy Tenney, Georgian Banov, Randall Worley, Ivan Tait, David & Kathie Thomas, and  Dutch Sheets (who wrote the forward to “Unstoppable & Unquenchable Fire”), have all made positive comments in support of Brian Gibbs and his premier book. You can see some of those comments on the official YouTube video at this link:

Here is the link to purchase “Unstoppable & Unquenchable Fire”:

Let’s all grow together into the fullness of the stature of Christ.
Ephesians 4:13

Godspeed to the people of Christ,
James Dilley <><

Prolegomena: Once Upon A Time… There Was A Reformation!

What is pro·le·gom·e·na? To put it simply, and in the general sense, the Greek word “prolegomena” points to first words (Pro “before” + legein “to speak”). Words of introduction, words before a lecture, words before a story, words before a legend, these are all examples of prolegomena. Quite frankly, what you are reading right now is an example of prolegomena. These are the first words of the first “Wings And Revelations” blog post.

Admittedly, this is intentional… because of course, I am typing these words on purpose.

Enters the word pro·tol·o·gy. Hey, if one Greek word is good, then how about another? Protology is the study of origins, or first things. I have a passion for this one myself. Anything interesting, primarily in a successful way, is worthy of this type of study. Some of my favorite protology discovery questions are: Who started it? How did it start? Who said what? Then what happened? Of course, the more questions you ask, the more likely you are to progress from the study of first things, right on into the study of the thing itself. That’s okay too, because some things are more worthy of a second look, once you have more understanding of the facts surrounding their origins.

When it comes to “first words” some are just epically marvelous! Take for instance the words Once upon a time… These words are charged! These words lend themselves to the hearers imagination, perhaps even causing an ‘I’m on the edge of my seat’ anticipation. Any words that might follow these few and simple words, are charged with the potential of a burst of creativity. That being the case, most every culture or language has a similar version of “Once upon a time…” for the telling or retelling of a story.

Enters my Facebook post of October 31st 2014.

In memory of what is generally seen as the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, I posted a fenceless image of the church doors at Wittenberg. Thanks in part to my image editing software, I was able to overcome a fence and attach to it a representation of the words that changed history.

All Saints’ Church, Wittenberg is where Martin Luther nailed the words to the door that brought light to a generation that was operating in a spiritual darkness.

Once upon a time…
there was a man named Martin Luther. This man, who started out as a Roman Catholic monk, was a theological professor, a Bible scholar and a linguist. He began to recognize abuses within the practices of the leadership of the Roman Catholic church. Practices that held the Catholic people in bondage, people that he so dearly loved. The more that Martin pressed toward God with his heart, and the more that he learned as he read the Bible, the more convinced he became that it was faith in Christ and obedience to God’s ways that brought the lifestyle changes that God expects us to walk in as followers of Jesus. This was in sharp contrast to the established ways of the papacy that included the selling of sin indulgences; a practice that by it’s very nature, actually derails any potential lifestyle changes.

As Martin gained knowledge of the word of God, and came into harmony with the Spirit of God, he realized that the very church he was a part of had made the word of God of none effect, by the traditions of men that had been established to fleece the sheep (Mark 7:13). This being the case, on October 31st of the year 1517, Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses on “…the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences” to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Saxony. This was the catalyst that started the Protestant Reformation.  This act of placing the right words, in the right place, at the right time is where the Protestant Reformation begins.

The above subject matter is not solely about Martin Luther, but rather about the first things pertaining to the reformation; however, I would be negligent to not mention the flip side of the coin that bears Luther’s image. On the won side, by his words, the right words, in the right place, at the right time, he is credited with being the catalyst of the Reformation. On the other side of the coin, some of his latter writings were very wrong and were used to activate destructive forces. It was as a proverbial pendulum, as great and as far in the one direction that his former words helped to push a great weight towards liberating so many, his latter words brought a massive weight swinging back through Germany in the direction of bondage and destruction of multitudes of people. That is another topic for another time. This post is about first things regarding reformation, where humanity was then and where we are now.

We are Ripe for a  New Reformation!

The modern day equivalent of the selling of indulgences, are the hyper-grace doctrines that have slowly crept in unawares. Those teachings have the same negative effect as the sin indulgences being sold in the days of Johann Tetzel. He was the Pope’s chief indulgence salesman, just prior to the Reformation. The more insidious side of the modern day equivalent is the missing price tag. Instead of being sold with a price tag, the permissions that the hyper-grace preacher  grant in error to the indulges to sin, is seemingly granted with no price tag. However, truth reveals that the people who willingly buy into false doctrines do so at a great cost, even to the subverting of their own souls. The cost of buying into the wrong teachings is always way too costly! Paul, the man whose writings contributed to the New Testament more than any other author, gave us this following warning:

“For the time is coming when men will not tolerate wholesome teaching. They will want something to tickle their own fancies, and they will collect teachers who will pander to their own desires. They will no longer listen to the truth, but will wander off after man-made fictions.”  (2 Timothy 4:3,4 J.B. Phillips translation)

Those who buy into the greasy grace teachings, are being led astray. They are usually left with little evidence, if any, of the lifestyle change that comes from being in communion with God. The longer they persist in the ways of error, the more danger they are in that they could be cut off from God. That is of course, if they were ever reconciled to God in the first place. This then begs the question: Wouldn’t they want to be delivered from deception, especially if they belong to God? Whether they ever truly belonged to Christ, or not, those ensnared by a deception (a deceptive mindset) do not  know it, or else it would not be a deception. For there to be a deception, a falsehood is perceived to be a truth, i.e. a lie is believed. In that case the person ensnared by deception is living in bondage, all the while believing they are free. That is a type of wickedness (twistedness) that causes men to call evil good, and good evil. So to answer the begged question; no, they would not desire to be delivered from a lie that they believe to be true, not until they have realized that they believed a lie.

Those deceived must be reached with the truth. God’s word of truth, as found in the Holy Bible, can remove the blindness from their minds. This is what helps bring the motivation to desire deliverance to a living soul. Until their eyes are opened, those who are operating in a deception, believing that it is truth, may even fight to keep their deception… in the name of defending truth. It is up to us, the true followers of Christ, as truth bearers, to place the right words, in the right place, at the right time.

We are at a fullness of time moment in history. The atmosphere  is already charged for a new reformation. Here are some basic parallels between the 16th Century Reformation and where we are today.
1. There is an abundance of false doctrine, the same as there was at that time.
2. There are many people claiming leadership who are leading people astray by propagating the false doctrine of hyper-grace. That is the indulgence deception repackaged.
3. God desires to uphold the integrity of His word in His people. He will not tolerate the twisting of what He said or intended in His whole counsel,  forever. Just as in the days of Martin Luther GOD is looking for those of us who are willing to take a stand and speak the truth.
4. There are many true believers who are already breaking away from the herd mentality, and in spite of the undo criticism of others, we are speaking up.  God’s words must be clearly posted, and we must be ready to debate the issues pertaining to the souls of men and reason with them to the saving of their souls. Luther was not alone in that day, and neither are we in ours.

When the eyes of the captives are opened by truth, our numbers as true believers will grow exponentially. That is what happened during the Great Reformation and that is what is primed to happen again. Truly, “We are Ripe for a  New Reformation!”

The good news is that Jesus came to set the captives free, and we, His followers, have been commissioned to do the same. Let’s get strong together!

Thanks for reading my blog. There is more wisdom for me to share with you! Please consider subscribing to benefit your spiritual growth.

Brother James <><

James Dilley